day for night…
Images, Music, Words
29/06/2014- Abject Bloc
- Alexander Trocchi
- Bambule Soundcloud
- Bluesanct
- BTTTB Resonance FM
- Cindytalk (entropy) Soundcloud
- Cindytalk Facebook
- Cindytalk Mixcloud
- Cindytalk Soundcloud
- Dais Records
- Darkmatter Soundsystem
- Datacide : Noise and Politics
- Diagonal Records
- Dissonant Bookings
- Dolorosa De La Cruz
- Editions Mego
- Fourth Dimension Records
- Handmade Birds
- Hekate Sound System
- John Berger
- Kritik Am Leben
- Lumberton Trading Co
- Max Kuiper
- Melanie Clifford
- Of Ghosts and Buildings
- Plane of Immanence
- Praxis Records
- Prole Sector
- Rabblewise Films
- Resa Rot
- Richard Chartier
- R\A\W F\O\R\M\S
- Sansculotte
- Scorpio Rising YouTube Channel
- Signalling Through The Flames
- Spaewaif : Flickr
- Supernormal
- The New Brvtalist
- Tim Goldie
- Trost Label + Distribution
- Twitter – Cinder
- Twitter – Spaewaif
- Vertigo Magazine
- sansculotte
Nuits et Noirs magazine nr 2 – june 2014,
consists of 6 visual parts + a soundproject.
The visual part of the magazine consists of 6 PDF parts:
1. City sounds \ City wounds
2. Night of nature \ Sounds of nature
3. Shapes of night
4. Nights skins \ Night clothes
5. The night within sounds
6. Human voices \ Human silence
A list of all the contributors with additional information in the WORD document.
The magazine is designed for viewing as a PDF magazine on the computerscreen.
( not designed for printing )
For viewing the magazine, first download the PDF’s,
Then enlarge each PDF to a size that fits the screen.
Curated by R\A\W F\O\R\M\S, Nuits et Noirs is a free magazine that is composed of contributions by contacts on social media as Facebook ; Tumblr ; Flickr.
All works are the property of the creators.
No use of any material is allowed.
PART 1 – Nuits et Noirs 2
PART 2 – Nuits et Noirs 2
PART 3 – Nuits et Noirs 2
PART 4 – Nuits et Noirs 2
PART 5 – Nuits et Noirs 2
PART 6 – Nuits et Noirs 2
List of artists of “the viusal parts of Nuits et Noirs 2 (6 x PDF):
Part 1: City sounds \ City wounds
Annakarin Quinto
From the series “city wounds”.
a video of this series can be seen here:
Alice Lewis
“Should I stand amid the breakers? Or shall I lie with death my bride?”
“Song To The Siren”, written by Tim Buckley, Larry Beckett
Claudia Jares
Grey Frequency: “Snickelway”
* see nr. 23 the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Stathis Vitouladitis
Foto: “instrumentos de sondagem & prospecção noturna” (I)
© Igor K Marques
Todos os direitos reservados / All rights reserved 12.05.14
Thuja: “Keleti pályaudvar 14.5.2014″
* see nr. 7 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Related to the soundminute:
Jan Warnke: “RH Tunnel Seq”
* see nr. 2 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Michael B. Wood \ THE ANXIETY OF LOVE – cover of The Swarm 7”
Thorsten Soltau: “Poor Man’s Deathbed”
* see nr. 14 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Louis Jammes
“Tchernobyl 1991 -
Monument au mort érigé à l’intérieur de la centrale près de l’entrée du sarcophage pour honorer la mémoire de l’ouvrier disparu dans la catastrophe”
Emulsion argentique sur plaque de plomb, 140x190cm
© Louis Jammes
Part 2: Night of nature \ Sounds of nature
Gilles Vignes
* see nr. 24 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Kristina Gentvainyte: ” Tulipa”
Eva Wollenberg
Photogram of a bird skull and pelvis found on an island
Agfa Brovira baryte paper – Edition 1/1
Poem from Penser avec les dents, Tome 2, Les cahiers d’ivresse nova
Photo by Alexandra Hinz-Wladyka
From the series “The No-One’s-Rose“
(Title in dialogue with Paul Celan)
Little Night
Little Night: when you
take me within, within,
up there,
three Pain-Inches above
the Floor:
all the Shroud-Coats of Sand,
all the Help-Nots,
all, that still
with the Tongue -
Translated by A. S. Kline
Benoît Debuisser: “diglo|sea”
Estelle Hissler: “Radiance”
lumières sur l’âme
injonction des racines
échos archaïques
portant le fil de l’aube,
l’essence des signes
(Estelle Hissler)
Saskya Kamps: “Nightjar”
* see nr. 11 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Marcha Bos: “Are you afraid of the dark?”
Photo made in the nature resort Sint Jansberg, The Netherlands
Karley Sullivan: ” S*aturn, Enceladus – The Raining Moon*.
Scratchboard drawing, 13×18 cm, 2014
*”We are going to the moon, that is not very far. Man has so much farther
to go within himself”.*
*-Anais Nin*
The moon means something to everyone; each human has an idea of it, and the
lore attached to this close astral body connects us to each other and to
our own subconscious. *Mooning,Scratch* is a project to memorize and
reflect on the moons of the solar system and the stories attached to to
their names. For two years, I worked on these scratchboard drawings of the
named moons in our neighborhood. The drawings are icons of the learning I
have done. The larger project is the remembering of knowledge I found
while researching the images and myths associated with the moons. In this
light, *Mooning* casts a light on the duality of knowing/unknowing, and the
space in-between myth and reality.
Title: “Nevermore”
Material: Skulls & Bones (collected in the late Nineties on several Cyclades)
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, …”
Brant Withers
Part 3: Shapes of night
Name: Tao He
Title: Answer me,talk to me.
(from Halcyon series: www.flickr.com/photos/pullingho/sets/72157631828251249/ )
website: www.flickr.com/photos/pullingho/
There is a space only for myself in the deepest part of my mind where my hidden memories and sensitive emotions are located.
It is a secret place that will not be open to everyone. The goal of my photography is to reveal it to the audience.
The name Halcyon is inspired by the song of a Japan screamo band Heaven in Her Arms. It is also the way that I knew this name.
Halcyon means peaceful and happy.
But there is a totally different scene in my mind.
It evokes me the memory of my trip to Fuzhou when I experienced the strongest storm of the year.
All I felt were whirring of the wind, shrill sound of the ocean wave and a wrathful force from the darkness of the farthest part of the ocean.
Silent, desolated, dark and chaotic are all characteristics of Halcyon.
I represent the darkness that has been following me as my shadow for years.
In this series, I applied different symbolic imageries in the creation to express what is substantial in my unconscious mind.
Author: Aina Climent
Title: Eigengrau
Website: ainacliment.com
Pierre-Yves Freund
Iliana Demetriou
fragment of wood, handmade manipulation (2014)
14L x 14W x 33H cm
“Wish Fulfillment”
Shane Bartlett
* see nr. 17 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Related to the soundminute:
De Chauliac: “Apparatus Noir”
* see nr. 21 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Gildas Brugaro: untitled
Florence Ghafour
Jacob DeRaadt
Liz Davidson
Title: Frost dock
Web site: www.lizdavidsonartist.com
Blog: lizdavidsonartist.blogspot.com/
Facebook: Liz Davidson Artist
Part 4: Nights skins \ Night clothes
Amanda Elledge: “limbo”
Azlan MAM08
Title: Identity iii
“Flower” by June eii
Robin van der Heijden: “Material” video stills.
Watch video on: www.robinvanderheijden.com
or: vimeo.com/97556545
Margit Hinke: “Back pain patch”
Title : Sur la route de mes nuits
Photograph : Emmanuelle Gabory
“Longtemps, j’ai vécu la nuit, j’errais, de bar en bar, c’était dans une autre vie, c’était il n’y pas si longtemps que cela.
Je vis dans un endroit très particulier, un endroit très beau, très sauvage, un endroit de paradis ou de perdition.
Longtemps, je me suis perdue dans les nuits, et au fil de mes déambulations, j’ai fait des rencontres, inattendues, brèves, intenses, poétiques.”
Nieves Mingueza
Title: Silent from inside
Website: nievesmingueza.com/
Name: Gerasimos Platanas
Title: Self Series – “Shadows”
Web page: zoydphotography.daportfolio.com/
Part 5: The night within sounds
Ana Pomar: “Scratches” (Rasguños)
Technique: collagraph
LPFM: Untitled
Paris, France
* see nr. 4 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Anael Chadli
Spices Radiography
Ways, Mutations & Gaps
Numeric Photography
varying size, 2013
May Lai: “Mysterious world”
* see nr. 22 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Mice Poptsis
“I work with experimental photography since 1975 and explore the nature of photography.
The visible, the pictorial and the substantial as pure form.
Kazimir Malevich: ” black square on a white background ” inspired me.
I am exploring the non material (intangible) form as an analogy to the immaterial idea.”
Ivana Kalezic: “Noise”
(mixed media,tempera,comb drawing,ink and graphite on paper)
João Ricardo – From a series of three photo’s titled “morrinhento…” .
The series describes a state of being when drizzle falls.
* see nr. 20 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Stephen Croeser
Collage and ink on paper
Part 6: Human voices \ Human silence
Natasha Gudynn: “moonleyeght”
Suiting music: soundcloud.com/immune-recordings/03-lightning-cut
Kier Cooke Sandvik: untitled.
i’m 27, norwegian, and a boy.
Related to the soundminute:
J.Adolphe: “Night Comes”
* see nr. 6 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2
Benno Koch: “acephale”
54. fmalefou.blogspot.it/ * see nr. 26 of the sound part of Nuits et Noirs 2 55. Listen to the track here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLcCJHIOxwc 56. Krube’s handmade CDr housed in black painted 7″ vinyl sleeve, winter 2008, 57. www.terivarhol.com 58. Oil on linen www.rudycremonini.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00 SOUND Sound of the Night \ Sound of Black 29 contributors sent 1 minute of sound about the Night \ about Black. Below the list of artists and titles of the compilation of the soundminutes. A compilation in two parts of the 29 original (unremixed) soundminutes can be found later today on Mixcloud. Remix project Remix 1 – by L\H\T – Les Horribles Travailleurs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Leave a commentPosted in Uncategorized Posted by rawforms on February 18, 2014 The magazine is designed for viewing as a PDF magazine on the computerscreen. ( not designed for printing ) It consists of 4 parts. One can see it as a groupexhibition in four halls. Each hall is structured according to a specific poetic logic. Curated by R\A\W F\O\R\M\S, Nuits et Noirs is a free magazine that is composed of contributions by contacts on social media as Facebook ; Tumblr ; Flickr. For the first issue there are 35 contributions – from: France U.K., U.S.A., Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Australia, Hungary, Norway, Albani, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Romania, Greece, Austria, Japan All works are the property of the creators. All creators are mentioned in the PDF files, as well in the list below. No use of any material is allowed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PART 1 – Nuits et Noirs 1 PART 2 – Nuits et Noirs 1 PART 3 – Nuits et Noirs 1 PART 4 – Nuits et Noirs 1 For viewing the magazine, first download the PDF’s. Then enlarge each PDF to a size that fits the screen. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nuits et Noirs Nr. 1 – PART 1 1 Moris Venken – “Crépuscule” 2 Alejandro Argüelles: “Possibilities for the reconstruction of a territory” transparent papers assembled, ink and toner on polyester www.arguellesalejandro.wordpress.com 3 Miri Aam 4 Patrick Fürli “Igel” http://patrickfuerli.tumblr.com/ 5 Virginie Von Virou – “Condensation” Σκιᾶς ὄναρ ἄνθρωπος. (Skiâs ónar ánthrôpos.) L’homme est l’ombre d’un rêve http://vvv37.tumblr.com http://vimeo.com/user9077119 6 From “And I”, a personal documentary series © George E. Holroyd III http://georgeholroyd.com/ 7 Brant Withers 8 Thuja Net – “daily Urbex 11.12.13″ http://thujanet.tumblr.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nuits et Noirs Nr. 1 – PART 2 9 Amanda Elledge Boucq: “reordered / disorder” http://www.flickr.com/photos/x99elledge/ 10 Daniel Ortuño “Form of Man” http://viletrend.tumblr.com/ Viletrend@gmail.com 11 Laíza Ferreira “The empty soul” Handmade Collage https://www.flickr.com/photos/la-ferreira/ 12 Luca Devinu – Italy ” d e a d “ http://blessend.blogspot.nl/ blssnd@outlook.it 13 Nieves Mingueza – “Nuit noire” Website: http://nievesmingueza.com/ 14 Untitled – Stathis Vitouladitis http://kylindrikoianthropoi.tumblr.com/ 15 ▲▲▲▲▲†‡†▲▲▲▲▲ https://soundcloud.com/ill-omen-1 16 Jacob DeRaadt collage for: “In The Night Hours” by Sterile Garden http://bangsnap.bandcamp.com/album/in-the-night-hours https://soundcloud.com/sterile-garden https://www.facebook.com/pages/Basement-Tapes/162869653726605?fref=ts 17 Bob Mollema from the series “Schorspellen” http://cargocollective.com/bobmollema 18 Manifesto by Force Majeure / Black Sun YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/sunblack Black Sun Drum Korps Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/337240007796/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nuits et Noirs Nr. 1 – PART 3 19 Gildas Brugaro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kLQoZI7fzo https://www.behance.net/gildasbrugaro2 http://www.mixcloud.com/gildas-brugaro/ https://soundcloud.com/gildas-brugaro https://www.facebook.com/gildas.brugaro 20 Minim – “01″ Contact: Email: diana.dulgheru@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/diana.dulgheru.5 Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/minim-diana-dulgheru 21 Karley Sullivan – Split Image #33, 2013 http://karleysullivan.com/ 22 http://www.robinvanderheijden.com/ 23 “ABLUTIO texture” by Via Aerea ink on cotton Photo by Valeria Crociata www.via-aerea.com/ 24 YATRA ARTS | PRAVEER BAIJAL |CANADA MUSIC | CULTURE | ART | CONCEPTS WWW.YATRA-ARTS.COM 25 Ana Pomar “Tangle” ( Maraña ) Monotype http://www.anapomar.com https://www.facebook.com/AnaPomar.Monotipos 26 “Unknown Pleasures” part of JOY DIVISION series 2013 Shane Bartlett http://www.facebook.com/divinorumzine ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nuits et Noirs Nr. 1 – PART 4 27 Extract of /Penser avec les dents, Les cahiers d’ivresse nova/ Typoetry by Eva Wollenberg, 2014 OFFICIAL SITE: http://evawollenberg.com/ SOCIAL MEDIAS: https://www.facebook.com/eva.wollenberg.magma.chamber http://evawollenberg.tumblr.com/ http://vimeo.com/evawollenberg 28 Julien Bayle – sound/visual artist Image related to a liveset: http://julienbayle.net/alpha http://julienbayle.net 29 Eni Turkeshi from the series “illusionary suns” http://www.flickr.com/photos/eni/sets/72157633237757704/with/8675577493/ 30 KK : Metal Works 2006 Feb 04th Original Size : About 2 Inch or Less Lethe \ Kiyoharu Kuwayama http://www.lethe-voice.com/kk/ 31 Photo by Bird Heart http://theinnocenceofabird.tumblr.com/ 32 Alex Marshall – “Noise Eclipse” ” Noise is a beautiful display of existential meaning to order in chaotic formation similar to the stars in the sky “ http://paradiseillusions.tumblr.com/ 33 © Sunnstede https://soundcloud.com/sunnstede https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sunnstede/234326490082624?fref=ts 34 Syntax – “Encrypt” Contact: Email: bardos.laurian2@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/syntaxl1?fref=ts Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/syntax-laur 35 Marc Hurtado SANG + 1 by Marc Hurtado : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Durd1GdJbeU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marc.hurtado.9/ The Etant Donnés site: http://www.etant-donnes.com/ Leave a commentPosted in Uncategorized Posted by rawforms on February 9, 2014 Curated + released by R\A\W F\O\R\M\S
Lumière is a poem, photo and track by Marc Hurtado.
Krube \ Alexander Schneider.
limited to 2 copies.
Teri Varhol: “Blackmass”, 2014
Rudy Cremonini: “il Patto”
80cmx 80cm
Soundpart of Nuits et Noirs magazine nr 2.
The 29 contributors can rework the soundminutes to a new composition of 20 minutes maximum.
The remixes\compositions will be posted on Mixcloud as monthly episodes.
Nuits et Noirs Magazine Nr. 1
Nuits et Noirs magazine
N & N
A free PDF magazine