in the cities of your eyes…
Music, Releases, Words
06/01/2016- Abject Bloc
- Alexander Trocchi
- Bambule Soundcloud
- Bluesanct
- BTTTB Resonance FM
- Cindytalk (entropy) Soundcloud
- Cindytalk Facebook
- Cindytalk Mixcloud
- Cindytalk Soundcloud
- Dais Records
- Darkmatter Soundsystem
- Datacide : Noise and Politics
- Diagonal Records
- Dissonant Bookings
- Dolorosa De La Cruz
- Editions Mego
- Fourth Dimension Records
- Handmade Birds
- Hekate Sound System
- John Berger
- Kritik Am Leben
- Lumberton Trading Co
- Max Kuiper
- Melanie Clifford
- Of Ghosts and Buildings
- Plane of Immanence
- Praxis Records
- Prole Sector
- Rabblewise Films
- Resa Rot
- Richard Chartier
- R\A\W F\O\R\M\S
- Sansculotte
- Scorpio Rising YouTube Channel
- Signalling Through The Flames
- Spaewaif : Flickr
- Supernormal
- The New Brvtalist
- Tim Goldie
- Trost Label + Distribution
- Twitter – Cinder
- Twitter – Spaewaif
- Vertigo Magazine
- sansculotte
Article taken from the blog “Evening of Light”… http://www.eveningoflight.nl/
“In the cities of your eyes is a compilation for the benefit of refugees residing in camps in insular Greece, with all proceeds going to camps on Lesvos, Chios, Samos, and Leros.
It’s a collection of 23 tracks from the experimental corners of the musical spectrum, and a heavy bent towards experimental folk (e.g. Sandfingers, Howling Larsons, Martyn Bates, Stone Breath) and (post)industrial sounds (e.g. Cindytalk, Pylae, Amboo). Despite these rough genre directions, the tracks are quite diverse, and it’s not really possible to give an impression of the way the album flows. As fickle as the sea, I suppose.
A selection of my favourite tracks, then. Cindytalk’s “Lost In The Hum Of The World” is a shimmering piece with an occasional dark drone. Rough edges but with bits of light. Susan Matthews and Rainier Lericolais have an intriguing lo-fi piece with piano, strings, and woodwinds, a bit like early In Gowan Ring, and older psychedelic ancestors. “Cave” by Elektronik Meditation is long and varied drone piece moving from synth to guitar. Stone Breath and The Gray Field Recordings are always good, in my book, and their tracks here are no exception. A deceptively simple but typically strong guitar and voice piece from the former, and some unsettling noises and voices from the latter.
It’s not fair to expect a benefit compilation to have a strong overarching musical vision, and that’s not what happened in this case either. Rather, what binds it all together is acquaintance, centering around the Greece-based musical couple of Rebecca Loftiss (The Gray Field Recordings) and Alan Trench (Temple Music), and a shared concern for the plight of the refugees who end up on that country’s shores.
Personally I can’t think of many worthier causes than to receive refugees with as warm a welcome as possible. Picking up this compilation is a good way to send an extra contribution in that direction, and you’ll get some fine tracks in the bargain. Have a listen below, and be on the lookout for some of these tracks in upcoming Cloudscapes.”
“And I decided to go
Round the world on freedom’s bicycle
By ways illegal
As the travels of wind.
When asked for my address
I give the address of all sidewalks
I chose as permanent residence.
When asked for my papers,
I show them your eyes
And am allowed to pass
For they know that travel in the cities of your eyes,
my dear,
Is the right of all world citizens.”
- Nizar Qabbani