visibility is a trap…
Music, Words
07/09/2015- Abject Bloc
- Alexander Trocchi
- Bambule Soundcloud
- Bluesanct
- BTTTB Resonance FM
- Cindytalk (entropy) Soundcloud
- Cindytalk Facebook
- Cindytalk Mixcloud
- Cindytalk Soundcloud
- Dais Records
- Darkmatter Soundsystem
- Datacide : Noise and Politics
- Diagonal Records
- Dissonant Bookings
- Dolorosa De La Cruz
- Editions Mego
- Fourth Dimension Records
- Handmade Birds
- Hekate Sound System
- John Berger
- Kritik Am Leben
- Lumberton Trading Co
- Max Kuiper
- Melanie Clifford
- Of Ghosts and Buildings
- Plane of Immanence
- Praxis Records
- Prole Sector
- Rabblewise Films
- Resa Rot
- Richard Chartier
- R\A\W F\O\R\M\S
- Sansculotte
- Scorpio Rising YouTube Channel
- Signalling Through The Flames
- Spaewaif : Flickr
- Supernormal
- The New Brvtalist
- Tim Goldie
- Trost Label + Distribution
- Twitter – Cinder
- Twitter – Spaewaif
- Vertigo Magazine
- sansculotte
“It’s got to be completely dark and covert all the way”
Ten years ago I hung up my headphones, sold my decks, sold all my vinyl and headed off into the sunset.
That was then, but this is now and definitely no need to wax lyrical about the past here.
Last weekend I played out (properly) for the first time since, in Berlin @ The End is Nigh party at der Kopi;
great soundsystem, proper low end, no stars, proper locked-in, open-minded crowd, dancing. Positive vibrations
and a lot to find inspiration from; not least from how the tunes I played out sounded (I’d only ever listened
to most of them on my headphones before so….huge pleasure, sonic surprises). Where the cruddy distortion and
soulless speed of Breakcore killed it for me the science of quaking bass technique, slower tempo and – SPACE –
has surely taken over.