Live, Words
15/02/2014- Abject Bloc
- Alexander Trocchi
- Bambule Soundcloud
- Bluesanct
- BTTTB Resonance FM
- Cindytalk (entropy) Soundcloud
- Cindytalk Facebook
- Cindytalk Mixcloud
- Cindytalk Soundcloud
- Dais Records
- Darkmatter Soundsystem
- Datacide : Noise and Politics
- Diagonal Records
- Dissonant Bookings
- Dolorosa De La Cruz
- Editions Mego
- Fourth Dimension Records
- Handmade Birds
- Hekate Sound System
- John Berger
- Kritik Am Leben
- Lumberton Trading Co
- Max Kuiper
- Melanie Clifford
- Of Ghosts and Buildings
- Plane of Immanence
- Praxis Records
- Prole Sector
- Rabblewise Films
- Resa Rot
- Richard Chartier
- R\A\W F\O\R\M\S
- Sansculotte
- Scorpio Rising YouTube Channel
- Signalling Through The Flames
- Spaewaif : Flickr
- Supernormal
- The New Brvtalist
- Tim Goldie
- Trost Label + Distribution
- Twitter – Cinder
- Twitter – Spaewaif
- Vertigo Magazine
- sansculotte
Old Fruitmarket
Saturday 10th May
22.30 – 24.00
With Cindytalk, Thurston Moore and Dylan Nyoukis
Cindytalk have been making music for over 30 years. They open the final gig of Saturday night by filling the Old Fruitmarket with their own blend of “Ambi-dustrial” music. Sonic Youth’s frontman Thurston Moore on guitar is then joined for a set with Chocolate Monk label founder and all round experimental noise-maker Dylan Nyoukis6.
Cindytalk for Tectonics Glasgow will be :
Gordon Sharp – Voice, Computer & Piano
” ” [sic] VomiTimoV Goldie Abject Bloc – Drums, Credit Cards & Voice
Melanie Clifford – Glass on Guitar, Voice & Miscellaneous
Kenneth Wilson – Guitar
Lucy Duncombe – Voice & Miscellaneous
John Byrne – Bass Guitar
David Ros – Sound Engineer
Andrew McGregor – Visuals
Tectonics Festival Glasgow MAY 9-11 2014
City Halls, Old Fruitmarket & st andrew’s in tHe square
daVid BeHrman
James ClaPPertOn
miCHael Finnissy
GlasGOw CHamBer CHOir GlasGOw uniVersity CHaPel CHOir GeOrG FriedriCH Haas
saraH kenCHinGtOn
takeHisa kOsuGi
CatHerine lamB
klaus lanG
Cassandra miller
tHurstOn mOOre
musCles OF JOy
dylan nyOukis
JOHn Oswald
daniel Padden
amBer Priestley
Jer reid
James saunders
James tenney
VernOn and Burns
aBy Vulliamy
James weeks
Bill wells
sOlène weinaCHter
marCus weiss
CHristian wOlFF
riCHard yOunGs
BBC sCOttisH
symPHOny OrCHestra
ilan VOlkOV
bbc symphony orchestra
bbc.co.uk/bbcsso @tectonicsglas
bbc radio 3 90-93fm
HOw tO BOOk tickets
Online at: bbc.co.uk/bbcsso
By phone: 0141-353 8000
In person: City Halls Box Office
Candleriggs, Glasgow G1 1nQ or from the Glasgow royal Concert Hall Box Office
Subject to availability, tickets for St Andrew’s in the Square may also be available
at the door on the day of performance, from 18.00. Concessions are available to students,
unemployed and registered disabled only. Proof of status necessary.
*Venue Booking Fees: A transaction charge of £1 applies to all online
booking and £1.50 for all phone bookings.