07/09/2011- Abject Bloc
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image by seb patane
Cindytalk : upcoming concerts (all solo) :
Friday 23rd September, Torino, Italy, Il Sacro Attraverso L’ordinario – a festival with Blind Cave Salamander & Julia Kent :
Saturday 1st October at the Full Pull Festival at Inkonst, Malmö Sweden, with Midaircondo and brass from Malmö Symphonic Orchestra.
Friday 7th October, Berlin, Kalyug Festival with C-drik Kirdec :
Tuesday 18th October, Cafe Oto, London with (r) [Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo] & Julia Kent :
Friday 25th November, Body and Soul Festival* (Masculin/Feminin) Cité de la Musique, Paris with No Bra :
Saturday 26th November, L’Embobineuse, Marseille with Philippe Petit :
Sunday 27th November, Cave 12, Geneva with Philippe Petit :
*(Will be joined by Robert Hampson on guitar & computer for this show.)
(**Saturday 15th October, Antagony, London, BAMBULE dj set**)
Hello! I'm writing from Italy. Please, I'd like to know if you have planned some gig in Italy in the future after the Geneva date on 27th of November. Please, could you tell me if that's is possible? Please, come in Italy... Thank you very much in advance All the best Denis
Ciao Denis, no i'm sorry but we will not be playing in Italy again this year.I played a solo Cindytalk concert in Torino a few weeks ago but i very much hope that we can play full band (or solo) gigs in Italy in 2012.We are happy and willing to do so, if we are invited.Thank you for asking.Keep checking here or at our OF GHOSTS AND BUILDINGS blog (link at the right of the page here) for further details... Cindy x
p.s. There was talk of us coming to Rome earlier this year - we had spoken with some people called Sputnik - but they never got back to us.I suspect they thought we might not be suitable for their regular audience.
Thanks SO much for your kind answer. Yes, I'm checking your web site and blog in the future. And I'm crossing my fingers for a your possible gig in the northern Italy....maybe Bologna? There is good audience there....I'm waiting you...
Bologna has definately been mentioned, i will ask again and push for that to happen.Thank you..
Hi Cinder, Was wondering If Glasgow & Edinburgh would be on the Tour List, Saw you at The Voodoo Rooms in Edinburgh in 2009 and what an amazing show it was. Look forward to seeing you perform again soon. Regards..
hi stewart, there are currently no plans to return to scotland to play.we'd like to but we want to do something special up there and so far the opportunity hasn't arisen to accomodate that... we'll keep looking... cx
hi Cinder is a gig in the Netherlands also an option in the future? (or Belgium) i will also wish you good luck on your tour and would like to say keep on going as always because you're music is great and thank you for that.greetings from holland.
Hi Gordon, I just discovered (yesterday !) that your art goes beyond the few recording you made for This Mortal Coil (those I deeply admire) I now live in Paris and would love to see you live. Let me know as soon as you hand around XXX regards Yann