surge, seethe and shimmer…
01/03/2011- Abject Bloc
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All tracks written and recorded by Gordon Sharp and Matt Kinnison between 2006–2011 at Roi Vert, Okamoto (Japan), 13th Floor and Space Eko (London), Southend (Essex)… Mastered at Piethopraxis, June 2011. Cut by Rashad Becker at Dubplates & Mastering, Berlin, June 2011. Hold Everything Dear is the third instalment in the new Cindytalk sound which started with 2007s The Crackle Of My Soul, and then last years Up Here in The Clouds. Its the first in the trilogy to feature musicians other than Gordon Sharp namely the late Matt Kinnison, to whom the album is dedicated. Inspired by the John Berger book of the same name, this latest release is whole new set of parameters which push the sound on the previous two works to an extreme point of abstraction, and in some places near silent passages and haunted melodic segments. And what a mysterious journey this ends up being with increased use of piano and found/field recordings giving all the tracks a blurry soundtrack appeal to the point where the definitions between the tracks are no longer clearly defined. It harks back to the odder parts of In This World and The Wind Is Strong albums from the early 1990s.
Hold Everything Dear
- how soon now…
- on the tip of my tongue
- in dust to delight
- fly away over here
- waking the snow
- from rokko-san
- hanging in the air
- fallen obi
- those that tremble as if they were mad
- floating clouds
- i see you uncovered
- …until we disappear
Hold Everything Dear is my favourite of the recent trilogy of Cindytalk albums,I actually get a massive feeling of warmth when I listen to it,less edgy and threatening than Crackle and Clouds,very melodic and soft in places,lovingly crafted,touch of genius.
Thanks for the comments Melvyn.My favourite is Crackle i think, maybe because it is that bit more edgy... :-)
I recently had my x box stolen due to a break in,and in the x box was my copy of Hold Everything Dear,how unlucky is that?,losing the x box is bad enough,but losing the cd????,thats the one I bought at Supernormal....